Bird Watching for Beginners: Spring

Dot Blakely 

New Year 2025 

10 weekly sessions on Thursdays starting 23 January (23 January, 20 February, 13 March are classroom based from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm and the remaining 7 weeks are field trips and run between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon).  A timetable will be distributed on the first evening. 

Since September we have enjoyed thousands of wildfowl and waders which have been overwintering with us from Iceland and Europe.  Now they are feeding up to get ready for their journey back to their breeding grounds.  Spring is on the way, our woodland birds will be moving into their breeding territory.  We will be looking and listening to birds in their habitat.  For field trips, own transport is essential as well as waterproof clothing, boots and (if possible) binoculars. 

Fee £118.00 (concession rate £88.00)  

Concession: The concession rate is available for those who are in receipt of State Benefits (including pension), or are full-time students, part or full-time Queen’s students or are members of University staff holding a valid staff card:


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