French: Intermediate, Lower

Julie Juret, MA 

Autumn 2024 

20 weekly sessions on Mondays 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, starting 23 September 

This course is designed for learners who have completed a Beginners’ or equivalent course.  It is also aimed at students who have completed Lower Intermediate and wish to reinforce what they have learnt.  The course aims to develop the students’ previously acquired knowledge in the four key areas of communication, including vocabulary and grammatical rules.  Classes will be conducted by a native French speaker and teacher in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where the conversational style of the lessons aims to develop greater confidence and knowledge in all aspects of communication in French.   

Fee £184.00 (concession rate £132.00) 

20 CATS Points (Level 1) 

This class will take place on QUB campus 

No Class on Monday 17 March

Concession: The concession rate is available for those who are in receipt of State Benefits (including pension), or are full-time students, part or full-time Queen’s students or are members of University staff holding a valid staff card:


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