French: Intermediate, Upper

Brigitte Gourley, BA, MA, PhD 

Autumn 2024 

20 weekly sessions on Tuesdays 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, starting 24 September 

This course is suitable for students who have a very good command of both the written and spoken language.  Anyone with a good grasp of the language is also welcome.  The emphasis in class will be on oral work.  There will be plenty of opportunities for discussions and activities to revise the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing at this level.  Topics and themes covered range from French culture to current affairs. 

Fee £184.00 (concession rate £132.00) 

20 CATS Points (Level 1) 

This class will take place on QUB campus  

Concession: The concession rate is available for those who are in receipt of State Benefits (including pension), or are full-time students, part or full-time Queen’s students or are members of University staff holding a valid staff card:


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